Jesus Prayer 100 Challenge
JP 100 is the next stage of the JP 33 prayer challenge pilgrimage. Over the course of the next 40 days we will commit to practicing the Jesus Prayer 100 times per day, as well read the spiritual classic "The Way of the Pilgrim." There will be short catechetical videos to introduce the various chapters and provide extra challenges throughout the week.
Whereas JP 33 can be seen as a wider program to inspire interest in the Jesus Prayer and lay the foundations of a spiritual life, JP 100 is a more focused program requiring a greater commitment.
To participate you must:
Have completed JP 33.
Have permission from your Spiritual Director or be in the process of asking for Direction and have the blessing of your pastor (parish priest). Parish participation, including participation in liturgy and reception of the sacraments (as one is able) is presumed for this program.
Although any version of "The Way of the Pilgrim" will work for our discussion, the copy Fr. Mike will use is: This version is interspersed with notes and quotes and provides a helpful glossary of terms.